UIT Alert: Blue Network (Television) Outage

    Current Status

    ResolvedBlue Network (Television)

    Resolution Statement

    Actions and Root Causes

    The Blue Network (Television) has been returned to normal service.

    The outage was due to a failed power supply under the power plant. 

    Corrective and Preventative Measures

    The power supply has been replaced.

    Affected Services

    • Cougar Vision Network

    Event Updates

    ResolvedBlue Network (Television)
    July 17, 2015 , 12:38 PM

    It has been reported that a service affecting incident exists for the following services:

    Blue Network

    Blue Network (RF cable) is down in multiple buildings, Communication, Engineering, and MD Anderson definitely.  Bayou City Interests, contractor has been notified and is in route.  No ETA to diagnose and repair at this time.

    ITAC is coordinating with administrators and support staff who are currently working on the problem, and assessing the scope and impact.

    An update will be issued once additional information has been collected
    UnavailableBlue Network (Television)
    July 17, 2015 , 2:20 PM
    Television service is unavailable at multiple buildings on campus. Contract support is expected to arrive within 30 minutes to address the outage.
    UnavailableBlue Network (Television)
    July 17, 2015 , 3:30 PM
    Contract support is on site working to restore service.
    UnavailableBlue Network (Television)
    July 17, 2015 , 5:30 PM

    The contractor has completed initial recovery steps aligning and tuning the headend equipment. Readings are being taken at downstream distribution points.

    ResolvedBlue Network (Television)
    July 17, 2015 , 10:30 PM
    The Blue Network (Television) outage has been resolved.